Why Do Senior Citizens Need Companions?

Why Do Senior Citizens Need Companions?

 June 17, 2022

Two men sitting on a couch eating popcorn.

Companionship is crucial to everyone’s life, especially for senior citizens. There are far too many elderly people who feel alone most of the time. If you are trying to help your elderly loved one have a better quality of life, feel less lonely, and have fewer health problems, the best option may be to get them companion care at home. Studies have shown that there are numerous reasons why senior citizens need to have caregivers in their life.

Improved Mental Health

Did you know that millions of elderly people struggle with some sort of mental health issue? It could be depression, stress, PTSD, anxiety, or generalized feelings of being on edge or irritable. If your elderly loved one is feeling like this, it is vital that they can get the help they need. Often it starts with reaching out to talk with someone. However, if your elderly loved one isn’t open to therapy, they may just need a companion outside of the family to speak to. This is where the home care providers can help.

Better Physical Health

Studies also show that having a companion in life can improve a person’s physical health. The primary ways that elder care providers can help to improve your elderly loved one’s physical health include:

  • Going for walks with them
  • Encouraging an exercise/fitness plan
  • Motivating your elderly loved one to move around each day
  • Not letting your elderly loved one sit down for longer than a couple of hours at a time (getting up and moving once an hour is actually recommended)

If your elderly loved one is already struggling with physical health problems, getting them home care services as soon as possible would be recommended.

New Friendships

Does your elderly loved one spend most of their time by themselves? Is this because they don’t have many friends? Even if your elderly loved one has a lot of family members, there are certain needs that friendships can fill that family relationship just can’t or won’t do very well. If your elderly loved one could use more friends, it may be a good idea for them to spend time with companion care providers as they are friendly and supportive to senior citizens. If your elderly loved one needs more than one friend, you can have different elder care providers come over on different days.


Were you wondering about companion care services for your elderly loved one? If so, hopefully, the information you read above can help you to decide whether to get these services for your loved one or not. Most senior citizens enjoy having caregivers who spend time with them, go for walks with them, and help them live a brighter, better life. Even if your elderly loved one isn’t so sure about receiving these services, you should encourage them to at least give it a try. Over time, they may realize they should have gotten these services sooner.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Sewickley, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call412-421-5202
