Senior Health: Keep Your Parents Active Even When It’s Hot Outside

Senior Health: Keep Your Parents Active Even When It’s Hot Outside

 June 25, 2021

A man with a towel on his head and holding onto a water bottle.

Senior Health: Some states have already seen their first heatwave of the year.

If your mom and dad live in an area where the summers do get extremely hot, they need to be careful with outdoor activities. Hot weather can make it easier for them to become dehydrated. It also increases the risk of heat exhaustion, sunstroke, and sunburns which you should be extra specially careful to watch for to improve senior health.

Make sure your parents stay active without going outside. Here are some of the best ways for your parents to get enough exercise when it’s too hot to be out for long.

Work Out in Air Conditioning

Move your parents’ favorite activities indoors to an air-conditioned room. Your mom loves to walk around a garden. Set up a treadmill in front of a TV. Put a garden tour video on and have her look at the screen while walking on her treadmill.

YouTube is full of walking tour videos filmed in areas around the world. She could go on a Japanese cherry blossom park tour or walk around a mountain town in Switzerland.

Try Something New

Try something new when you’re exercising inside. Your dad loves to golf, but it’s just too hot to play. How about virtual golf played on the TV using a system like the Wii or Phigolf WGT? He may not get the same workout as he would on a course, but it helps him work out the arms and waist with the golf swing.

If he paired virtual golf games with time on a treadmill, he’s getting a complete workout. He’s exercising without having to go outside.

Go Swimming

If they want to be outside, go swimming. They’ll stay cooler in the water. As long as they have waterproof sunscreen on, they can be in the pool while protected from the UVA and UVB rays. Mineral-based sunscreens are best for the ocean, as chemical ones damage the reefs.

Instead of a traditional swimsuit, today’s swimwear offers protection. Companies like Coolibar make sunscreen clothing that protects against the sun without needing sunscreen. Look into swimwear with long sleeves and long pants to have the best sun protection while swimming.

Senior Health: Is Someone Checking on Them When It’s Hot?

Do you worry about your parents being at home and having their air conditioner stop working? While some of today’s technology, such as a smart thermostat, can send alerts when a home is too hot or too cold, you still need to have someone nearby to help your parents arrange repair services and stay cool until the repair technician arrives. Home care can do that.

With a home care aide scheduled for companionship visits or simple check-ins, your parents have someone stopping by to make sure they’re staying cool, drinking plenty of water, and staying inside when the sun is high to improve their senior health. While they’re with your parents, caregivers can also clean up, cook meals, and do the laundry. Call a home care agency to learn more.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Sewickley, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call412-421-5202