Tips to Help Your Elderly Loved One Prevent Hospital Stays

Tips to Help Your Elderly Loved One Prevent Hospital Stays

 December 3, 2020

A man laying in bed with his head on the hospital bed.

Are you worried that your elderly loved one is going to end up in the hospital?
Maybe they don’t have great balance or they might be home alone a lot. The good news is that there are many tips to help your elderly loved one prevent hospital stays. Continue reading here to find out how you can help keep your elderly loved one safe.


Working with a Senior Care Provider

If you are worried about your elderly loved one, it might be a great idea to get senior care providers to check in on them and take care of them. Many elderly people who are home alone a lot need someone to do extra, more difficult tasks for them. For instance, if your elderly loved one must keep things in a cupboard that is up high, it isn’t a good idea for them to be climbing up there to get things down. If they have a senior care provider, the provider can do this for them. In addition, a senior care provider can ensure your elderly loved one is taking their medications. Sometimes, when an elderly person doesn’t take their medications, they end up in the hospital.


Reading Through the Discharge Information

If your elderly loved one just recently came home from the hospital, you might be worried that they will end up in the hospital again. However, there are some ways to help prevent another hospital stay. One of the best things you can do is to read through all the discharge information. Make sure you, your elderly loved one, and their senior care providers know which medications they need to take. Be sure that everyone knows the treatments, appointments, and other things your elderly loved one should be doing after they leave the hospital. Pay attention to the things your elderly loved one should be avoiding, as well.


Keep in Touch with Your Elderly Loved One

If you can’t be around your elderly loved one often, this doesn’t mean that you can’t care for them. You can call them daily to check in on them. If needed or if you want, you can even set up video calls with your elderly loved one. This way, you can keep in touch with them and see if they need anything. If they do need help with things and you can’t be there to help, be sure to contact senior care providers for your elderly loved one.



These are some of the tips that can help your elderly loved one to prevent hospital stays. If you are worried about your elderly loved one and want to keep them safe, be sure you, other caregivers, and the senior care providers are following this advice.


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