Personal Care at Home Helps Make Chili A Healthy Senior Meal

Personal Care at Home Helps Make Chili A Healthy Senior Meal

 January 10, 2024

A bowl of chili with cheese and green peppers.

It’s that time of year when things become bitterly cold, and you may be trying to find healthy ways for your seniors to warm up. Unfortunately, caring for an elderly person is not always straightforward, and they may have to eat different things than you and focus more on their nutrition than you ever imagined. If you need help cooking meals and preparing food for your loved one, or even if they need help eating, it’s time to look into personal care at home. These professionals will help prepare meals for seniors and even help feed them if necessary. But what can you feed your loved one? What is a nice, healthy, warm meal that you can make for your elderly mom or dad? The answer is chili!

Health Benefits

One of the best things about chili is that it’s as healthy as you make it. You can use lean meats like ground chicken or turkey to make it lower calorie but still just as filling, and you can fill it with beans that are filled with protein. But on top of all of that, you can add tons of vegetables. This is truly one of the best and most healthy ways to get your senior loved one to eat more vegetables without them realizing it.

Chili is great during the winter because you can add a little spice to it and eat it while it’s hot. It’s an easy way to warm the house with the stove on and a healthy way to warm up a senior’s frozen body. On top of that, this is an exceptionally filling dish, and feeling full is a good way to feel warm, too. When seniors stop eating, they may feel colder, and it can be detrimental to their health.

This dish is also suitable for seniors who have trouble swallowing. After cooking vegetables in a crockpot with the other ingredients, they become softer, making it easier to chew and swallow. Chili is also a good dish for seniors who need help eating from personal care at home. All you need is a good-sized spoon, and a caregiver can help hold the spoon steady or even just help feed an elderly person. There are so many reasons why families choose to make chili, and there are tons of ways to make it lower sodium with a higher amount of nutritional value; all it takes is a little research and digging to find the best recipe.

Here is a quick, healthy Turkey Chili to try out this year.

Why Is Chili Healthy?

Chili can be filled with various ingredients that have different health benefits. Here are some examples of why chili can be so healthy.

  • Turkey- This is an ingredient that has tons of protein, is high in iron, and other nutrients that will positively impact your seniors body. It is also a super low-fat option if you remove all of the skin.
  • Beans- These are another ingredient filled with protein, which your senior loved one needs a ton of. Most beans contain tons of antioxidants to help prevent cell damage and certain diseases.
  • Bell Peppers- This vegetable is filled with tons of vitamin C, which will help give your loved one’s immunity a kickstart to the cold season. They also contain a good amount of fiber, which will help keep your loved one regular.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Personal Care at Home in Squirrel Hill, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202