Life Factors That Can Help to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Life Factors That Can Help to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

 February 24, 2021

A woman with white hair is holding her chest.

If you are going to help your elderly loved one improve their health, there are many tips to help you do this.

One of the things that should be done is to make changes to prevent cardiovascular disease. This type of disease is much more common as people get older. However, there are some life factors that you and caregivers can encourage your elderly loved ones to consider, so they can lower their risk of cardiovascular disease.

No Smoking

The first thing for your elderly loved one to do is not to smoke. If they currently smoke cigarettes, you should help them to quit in any way that you can. You or one of their caregivers may have to take them to their doctor. The doctor can prescribe smoking cessation products to help your elderly loved one quit smoking.

More Physical Activity

Another way for your elderly loved one to prevent cardiovascular disease is by getting more physical activity. Research shows that getting at least 15 minutes of physical activity every day can help to significantly reduce someone’s risk of having cardiovascular disease. This could include a walk in the morning and a 5-minute workout session in the afternoon. It could include dancing with you and doing a workout video with one of their caregivers later in the day.

Managing Weight

Research also shows that people who are overweight or obese have a much higher risk of getting cardiovascular disease. If your elderly loved one is currently overweight, you may want to have them see their doctor. Their doctor can help them to come up with a weight management plan. This might consist of exercise, nutritional supplements, and other lifestyle changes. If your elderly loved one can get their weight under control, they can start reducing their risk of cardiovascular disease.


These are just some of the many life factors that can help your elderly loved one to prevent cardiovascular disease. Your elderly loved one can also eat healthier. They should control their cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, as well. If you and caregivers help your elderly loved ones to do these things, they can significantly improve their heart health. If your elderly loved one still needs help controlling their heart health after implementing these lifestyle changes, you should get them an appointment with their doctor for more guidance. Their doctor will be able to look at their health history and current health to determine what else needs to be done.

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