How Seniors Can Socialize With Companion Care At Home

How Seniors Can Socialize With Companion Care At Home

 July 24, 2024

Companion Care at Home Bloomfield PA

There are a lot of benefits seniors get from aging in place, but there are some risks. One of the risks that seniors face if they are living at home is loneliness. Loneliness can cause a wide range of physical and mental health problems for seniors ranging from anxiety and depression to high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Seniors who have a hard time leaving the house often are lonely at home. Especially if they have recently lost a partner or spouse. Even if you live near your mom or dad, you may not be able to visit very often. Things like work or caring for your kids tend to get in the way. The days slip by quickly and before you know it, it’s been weeks since you were able to visit.

Companion Care At Home

Companion care at home is specialized care for seniors living alone. A companion will visit your mom or dad on a regular schedule and spend time with them doing activities and hanging out. They can play card or board games, watch TV with them, play music or listen to music, talk and share meals, or do crafts and activities. Getting regular visits from a friend who can hang out with them for a few hours is the best way to make sure that your senior parent isn’t lonely.

Online Communities and Forums

Participating in online communities and forums can be a great way for seniors to meet new people with similar interests. There are web and social media communities for almost anything that your senior parent is interested in. Your mom or dad can connect with other people that love gardening, pets, crafts, art, cooking, and a wide variety or other interests virtually so that they don’t have to leave the house to get social interaction. 

Video Calls

If you and your siblings can’t visit your mom or dad often in person you can have video chats with them. Your mom or dad can visit with you and their children through video calls, platforms like Zoom, or video calling through social media platforms like Facebook. You can see your mom or dad daily if you use video technology even when you can’t go in person. 

Virtual Classes and Activities

Many organizations offer virtual classes and activities tailored for seniors. These can include cooking classes, art workshops, book clubs, and educational courses. Participating in these activities not only helps seniors stay mentally and physically active but also provides opportunities to interact with peers. 

Your mom or dad can travel to places they’ve always wanted to see with online augmented reality and video tours. They can participate in college classes, view presentations, and interact with others in real time. 

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Companion Care at Home in Bloomfield, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202