How to Help Your Senior Deal With Geriatric Syndromes

How to Help Your Senior Deal With Geriatric Syndromes

 April 22, 2022

An older woman sitting at a table with her hands on her chest.

One of the best things about living in a society where modern technology runs rampant and medicines are always being developed is that your parents are likely to live much longer than ever before. There are so many cures to illnesses and viruses that once killed thousands of people. Unfortunately, living longer than ever before also comes at a cost. Having Home Health Care on hand to help can be beneficial to your senior.

The elderly are more likely to develop geriatric syndromes which means they develop common clinical disorders that do not fall into particular disease categories but have significant consequences for functioning and life satisfaction in older people. This can be exceptionally scary to deal with and you may not even know how to help your senior.

If you want to help but cannot be with your senior every day, it’s time to consider in-home care to help them deal with these problems and live more independently. One of the things that drive seniors to stay at home is independence. In-home care can help create a care plan that allows a senior to customize their routine and still live how they want even with extra help at home. Seniors may be dealing with more health problems than you even know about and need in-home care for the extra support. Here are some common things your senior may be dealing with.

Bladder Control Issues

The risk of incontinence rises with age, but it is also avoidable. This is something that tons of seniors deal with but there are treatments available. If you encourage your seniors to live a healthy lifestyle they should be able to avoid this problem. There are a variety of therapies available, including workouts, medicine, special gadgets, medical procedures, and/or surgery.

Sleeping Problems for Seniors

You may think that seniors naturally need less sleep but that is untrue. Seniors’ sleeping schedules may change or shift as they become older, but they still need a certain amount of sleep to let their bodies reset and stay alert the next day. If you start to notice your senior is having sleeping problems, it is essential to encourage them to go to the doctor right away to create a plan on how to help them sleep better.


This may be one of the scariest diseases an elderly person may deal with. Depending on the stage they may need more than in-home care and may need to be moved to a nursing home. Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent kind of dementia, although there are also other varieties of this memory-loss disorder. While there is no cure for most varieties of dementia, a variety of therapies, including medication, occupational therapy, altering the environment, and adjusting activities, may assist address symptoms and behavioral issues.


Osteoporosis is a bone disease that happens when the body loses too much bone or produces inadequate bone. Consequently, bones become brittle and may shatter as a result of a fall or, in severe instances, sneezing or tiny bumps. It can be hard to live with and hard to remain independent for a long time. Increasing calcium and vitamin D may help a senior with this disease.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Bloomfield, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202