December 18, 2021
How can you, and your homecare provider help your parents dodge flu season and avoid this new strain of the COVID virus?
If your parents haven’t gotten the flu, pneumonia, or COVID shots yet, it’s time to address that. They should talk to their doctor about any possible risks. If they don’t have any allergies or risks that prevent them from getting these shots, they should.
While they can still get sick after having these vaccinations, the chances of developing severe complications from COVID or the flu are less likely after the immunities have developed.
A healthy diet can help give the immune system a bit of a boost. As you age, the immune system may slow down. If your parents take any prescription medications, they can block the absorption of some nutrients.
It’s best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day to help ensure the body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs. Fish helps boost the intake of omega 3 fatty acids. Limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages can also help the immune system.
Each day, your parents should go for a walk outside. The fresh air helps. Plus, exercise helps get the blood pumping and can aid in weight loss and stress reduction, which all help your body fight inflammation. If they cannot walk without support, make sure someone is available each day to join them.
In addition to daily exercise, your mom and dad need to sleep at least seven hours each night. Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up on schedule helps keep the circadian rhythm functioning properly. If they struggle to fall or stay asleep, white noise from an air purifier or fan will help.
If you’re sick, the best thing you can do is stay home. Let someone else take care of your mom and dad. This keeps your germs from reaching them and causing them to become ill.
Call a home care agency when you cannot find anyone else to help your parents for a few days or weeks. They’ll walk you through the benefits of respite care and go over the prices. Have a homecare aide provide the care your parents need while you focus on your recovery.