Talking to Your Senior About Being an Organ Donor

Talking to Your Senior About Being an Organ Donor

 February 13, 2018

A red stamp that says organ donor in the middle of it.

Many elderly adults cope with feelings of no longer being as relevant to the world around them and not having an effective way to benefit others. Often challenges and limitations that impact their own functioning and daily life can make a senior feel as though they are no longer beneficial or that they cannot have a positive impact on the lives of others. This can result in diminished mental and emotional health and well-being, reduced quality of life, and even decreased motivation to continue engaging in their life and self-care.

As a family caregiver, it is extremely important that you encourage your parent to continue feeling relevant and important, and show them that regardless of what they are coping with, they can still make a positive impact on the world around them. There are countless ways that they can do this, but this time of year is the ideal opportunity to discuss one in particular: organ donation.


February 14th is National Donor Day. This is a special day to learn more about the life-saving and life-improving gift of being an organ, tissue, eye, bone marrow, platelet, or blood donor. Making this decision can save the lives of up to 8 people through organ donation and save the lives of or help the critical healing of up to 75 people. As you are helping your parents to find ways to find meaning in their later years and to record their wishes for their end-of-life transition, talking to them about being an organ donor can be a powerful and valuable conversation for both of you.


Some things to keep in mind when talking to your senior about being an organ donor include:


-Explain the benefits that making this decision can offer and consider reading some of the stories of survivors who have received this type of amazing gift.

-Talk about family members or friends who suffered health challenges and problems that could have been or were benefited from organ donation and how this gift could be a way to honor them.

-If they have religious reservations, get them in touch with a spiritual advisor that can help your parent understand the implications of this decision and make the choice that is right for them.

-Reassure them that being an organ donor will not in any way adversely affect the care or treatment that they are given if they are sick, injured, or at the end of their life.

-Talk about how organ donation could impact other end-of-life wishes that they might have and talk to a doctor for further explanation if needed.


Starting senior care for your aging parent can be one of the best decisions that you make for them during the course of your caregiver journey with them. A senior home care services provider can be with your aging loved one on a customized schedule that is not only right for their needs and challenges, but also for the care efforts that you are able to give them.

This means that you can feel confident that both when you are able to be with your parent and when you are not, they are getting everything that they need to manage their challenges and limitations in the way that is right for them. This keeps you at the forefront of their care while also encouraging them to live the safest, healthiest, most fulfilling quality of life possible as they age in place.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in Shadyside, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202