3 Social Activities Your Parent May Enjoy

3 Social Activities Your Parent May Enjoy

 January 3, 2020

A group of people standing around each other.

Social interactions are incredibly important for older adults. Maintaining connections has been shown to improve the physical and mental health of seniors. It can even help them to live longer. Often, when people think of social activities, they think of lunches out with friends, going to movies, and other conventional activities. However, there are plenty of ways for your aging parent to socialize that you might not think of. Below are 3 unconventional social activities your elderly parent may enjoy.


#1: Book Club Meetings

If your parent enjoys reading, consider encouraging them to start a book club. Book clubs are a great way for people who have never met before to come together because they immediately have something to talk about – the book they all read. To start the club, the older adult can invite people they know and ask to advertise it at the local library. In fact, the library may even have a room where the club can meet.

An elder care provider can assist the senior to hold book club meetings in their home or elsewhere. The elder care provider can help your parent clean their house, make refreshments, and set out dishes and silverware.


#2: Classes and Seminars

You may not think of a class or seminar as a social activity, but it is a place your parent can meet other people with similar interests. Depending on the nature of the class or seminar, there may be some opportunity to talk with others during the event itself. In addition, they can talk to people both before and afterward. These connections might turn into real friendships that continue after the class is over. In fact, your parent may meet with them outside of class to further pursue their shared interests.

Elder care providers can help older adults to look for free or inexpensive classes and seminars in their area. They can also drive the senior to the event.


#3: Volunteer Positions

Younger adults have the chance to interact with others when they are at work. They might spend a few minutes each day chatting with a coworker and have lunch with work friends. After your parent retires, they lose those opportunities. Taking on a volunteer position at a local non-profit organization can create new connections with fellow volunteers.

Elder care providers can assist your parent to get ready for their volunteer job by helping them to choose clothes and get dressed and groomed. The elder care provider can also drive them to the organization and pick them up when their shift is over.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in Edgewood, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202

