Three Things All Seniors Should Know That Could Help Them Be Safer at Home

Three Things All Seniors Should Know That Could Help Them Be Safer at Home

 August 8, 2019

A person in a wheelchair is going down the sidewalk.

The more people know about their safety, especially where it might be compromised, the safer they can be at home. It seems like common sense, but when you sit down and think about it, how often are you – a younger, stronger, healthier adult – paying attention to your own safety on a regular basis?


Consider, for example, the last time you were running late. It might have been work in the morning, an appointment, or even to pick your child up from school. What did you tend to do?

Most people will admit they rushed around. You probably ran down a flight of stairs, jumped the last step, flew out the door, and never thought twice about your safety. Most people, when they drive out on the roads today, are passing one close call after another. People are constantly distracted behind the wheel, drifting a little bit closer to the double yellow line, and we barely pay attention.

We just assume everything’s fine, that we’ll go home at the end of the day just as we left, not realizing in an instant everything can change.

That’s exactly the same for aging seniors, but the risks are more significant, more numerous, and abound. Below are three things every senior should know that may just help them be a bit safer at home.


First, they will lose strength.

No matter how much a person exercises, an older person will begin losing strength the older they are. While a person in their 50s is far more likely to be able to maintain their muscle mass, somebody in their 70s and 80s is going to lose it, even if they exercise and work out regularly.

This loss of strength is going to impact balance, making even the simplest acts of walking up and down the stairs, climbing out of bed, or even getting into and out of the shower more dangerous.


Second, home modifications do help.

Even though some seniors may not want to make modifications to their homes, such as a stairlift or a wheelchair ramp, these items can help promote better safety. Simply installing suction cup grab bars in the tub or shower surround as well as a shower seat can also make a difference as far as safety is concerned, especially in the bathroom.


Third, it’s not the end of the world to ask for help.

Just because a person has to ask for help doing certain tasks doesn’t mean they have to give up their autonomy and independence. Relying on family and friends is great, but nothing is better than an experienced, professional home care aide as a means to improve safety for seniors at home.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Greentree, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today.
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