June 19, 2020
Anxiety doesn’t always have an obvious cause, but during the coronavirus pandemic, lots of people are feeling anxious. There’s a lot of emotional fallout from having to change routines dramatically and your elderly family member may be very concerned about what’s going on in the world. This is how you can help her.
Knowing what’s going on in the world is definitely important, but right now that can be overwhelming. Once you and your senior are aware of what to do to help keep everyone safe, dialing back the news consumption is probably a good idea. Check-in now and again but avoid a steady diet of news.
There are lots and lots of different things to do once you step back from the news. This is a perfect time to get those seeds or plants started from last year’s garden or to enjoy hobbies that maybe feel too time-consuming when life is moving a little faster. Basically, look for ways to do more things that your senior enjoys.
Look for ways to help your elderly family member to connect with the people that she loves. Social distancing is important, but that doesn’t mean isolating completely. Video chats and phone calls are important right now as they offer immediate connection. But don’t overlook how important emails and text messages are, too.
Exercise is a fantastic way to relieve stress and to get the blood flowing. Your senior may find some easy ways to get moving via a variety of streaming exercise services, YouTube videos, and even workouts shared by personal trainers on social media sites. There are a lot of ways to get moving right now, but make sure that your senior does so safely. Contact her doctor and make sure that exercise is okay for her.
There might be a lot that your senior is missing right now. She may have groups that she meets up with often or places she likes to visit on a regular basis that are now closed. It can help to put together a wish list of those activities, people, and places so that when the shelter in place restrictions lift, she can pick and choose what she most wants to do. Imagining and planning for that now can help her to keep a positive outlook.
There may still be some medical and other needs that your senior needs help with now that aren’t as easy to meet, especially if her doctor wants her to stay at home. Senior care providers may be the perfect answer for those concerns.