Only Children Need a Support Team When They Help Their Parents

Only Children Need a Support Team When They Help Their Parents

 September 3, 2020

A couple of people sitting on top of a couch.

When you have a big family, several people can chip in and work together to help their parents. What if you’re an only child? Who are you supposed to turn to when it’s just you, your mom, and your dad?


Only children do have a harder time when it comes to caring for elderly parents. They feel that they’re the only ones available to help out, so they shoulder all of the burdens and lose sight of their own needs for mental, physical, and social activities.

Don’t lose sight of your own needs. It’s not impossible to find help in unexpected places. Here are a few ways to get the help you need.


Where Can You Turn for Help?

You may have to turn to others to help out. If you have a large circle of friends, this will help. Your friends can help pick up things your parents need. They may be willing to stop by and socialize with your mom and dad if they know them.

It may help out if a friend or two would cook a casserole once a week and drop it off for your parents to eat for a few dinners. You may have friends who would take your parents outside for a walk and conversation.

If you don’t have a large circle of friends, get to know your parents’ neighbors. Someone may enjoy spending time with your mom and dad and be willing to help out. You might find a neighbor who is happy to invite your parents over for dinner and a game night every Friday night. Another neighbor may offer to drive your parents to church since they go, too.

Look for community services. The local agency on aging will have recommendations on where you can turn for support. You could also ask the local senior center if there are social outings or luncheons and shuttles that make it easy for your parents to get to and from their home to the center.


Don’t Overlook the Value of Elderly Care

Elderly care services are ideal at helping only children out. Instead of having your parents rely on you every day of the week, schedule elderly care services. A caregiver can stop by several days a week or as often as you need them to.

Caregivers will help your parents with tasks, which eases your schedule. Focus on your job and social life and know that elderly care aides are there for your parents.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elderly Care in Oakland, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202