Caregiver Tips: How to Tell Your Senior They Need to Bathe More

Caregiver Tips: How to Tell Your Senior They Need to Bathe More

 August 13, 2021

A man in the bathroom is taking a shower

Caregiver Tips: It is a well-known fact that senior citizens tend to be health-conscious and may even be a little more hygienic than the average person.

But, living with home care services provide them with professionals to help to accomplish this everyday task. As a result, seniors are not only well aware of the importance of hygiene, but they also know that they can get the help they need. The problem is that many seniors are reluctant to bathe. The reasons for this are varied. Some people are concerned about the cost of bathing supplies, while others are worried about how it will affect their social life. Others are simply unsure of how often they should bathe. Use these caregiver tips below to help you gauge what is right for your senior.

How Often a Senior Should Bathe?

Seniors should bathe once or twice a week to avoid infections and diseases while going overboard could have negative effects on your senior’s health.

If your senior is having trouble bathing, try to talk to them about the benefits of bathing. It is best to do this in a calm environment, and if possible, do not criticize them for their lack of hygiene. Instead, try to reassure them that bathing is a healthy activity and that you are there to help them with the process.

You might also want to consider making bathing easier for them. Senior citizens may need help getting into the tub, and if they have trouble drying themselves off or dressing, you might want to consider hiring a home care professional to help them.

What Should You Do?

It is a difficult task to tell an older person that they need to bathe more. Your parents have bathed their whole lives, and it is hard for them to understand why they need to change something that has worked for them for so long.

The first thing you should do is explain why bathing is so important. Remind them that they are prone to infections and that bathing will help to keep them clean and healthy. If you can, find a study that supports your claim. If you can’t, find a friend who is a doctor or a nurse and get their opinion.

If that doesn’t work, try a different tactic. If they won’t listen to reason, try telling them that you are worried about their health.

Caregiver Tips: Conclusion

It is important to stay up to date with all the latest health news. This is especially true when it comes to helping the elderly. Lifestyle choices, such as bathing, can have a big impact on the health of your senior loved one.

Fortunately, you can find a home care professional that will help you’re senior to bathe and keep up with their hygiene, and you can use these caregiver tips to convince them to keep their hygiene up to par. Make sure you know what you are looking for. We can help you to get the best care for your senior. Give us a call today!

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Fox Chapel, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202
