5 Reasons Your Senior Parent May Need 24-Hour Home Care

5 Reasons Your Senior Parent May Need 24-Hour Home Care

 September 6, 2024

24-hour home care is available for your senior needing round the clock care

Did you know that your senior parent may be able to continue aging in place even if they have medical challenges? Home care for seniors isn’t just available during the day. If your senior parent has challenges that make it necessary for them to always have someone in the home with them 24-hour home care is available.

With 24-hour home care your senior parent can remain at home where they want to be. But they will also have the comfort of having a skilled care provider with them to help them with whatever they need help with.You and your senior parent will have greater peace of mind when your mom or dad has 24-hour home care. Some of the reasons why senior may need 24-hour home care include:

Recovery After A Fall Or Medical Event

If your parent is recovering at home after a fall, a heart attack, or a stroke they should have 24-hour home care during their recovery. When someone is always in the house with them your mom or dad will have someone who can make sure that their injuries or incisions are healing properly. Care providers can also help them by getting them meals and snacks, running errands, and changing the linens.

Help With Medication

If your mom or dad takes a lot of different medications, or if they take medications that must be given day and night, having a care provider in the home to remind them when to take their medications and how much to take is essential. You won’t have to worry about your mom or dad forgetting to take their medications or mixing up doses if a care provider is looking after them.

Help With Medical Equipment

If your mom or dad uses medical equipment for safety at night they will feel more comfortable if someone is in the house with them at night to help them. Sleep apnea masks, oxygen tanks, nebulizers, and other medical equipment are all common pieces of medical equipment that seniors use. A care provider can make sure they are working correctly and that your senior parent has any assistance they need.

Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies happen, and unfortunately sometimes they happen in the middle of the night. If your mom or dad has 24-hour home care someone will be able to get immediate help if there is an emergency at night. There could be a medical emergency like your mom or dad having a heart attack or a stroke, or an emergency like a fire, flood, or severe storm. Your mom or dad shouldn’t have to face an emergency situation alone.

Poor Mobility

If your mom or dad is experiencing a decline in their mobility but they still want to live in their home 24-hour home care is a good idea. It’s very easy for a senior with poor mobility to fall when they are getting out of bed to use the bathroom, or getting up to get a drink, or trying to get back into bed in the middle of the night. A care provider that is in the home 24-hours a day can make sure your mom or dad is getting around the house safely.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring 24-hour home care in Bloomfield, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202