5 Fruits That Diabetics Can Enjoy With The Help of Senior Home Care

5 Fruits That Diabetics Can Enjoy With The Help of Senior Home Care

 August 16, 2024

Senior Home Care Edgewood, PA

If your senior mom or dad has diabetes you may think that they can’t eat fruit and if their doctor has told them not to eat fruit then fruit should be off limits. But some diabetics can certain kinds of fruit, and fruit has a lot of health benefits for seniors.

Fruit does have fructose, which is a natural sugar that can impact a senior’s blood sugar. But some kinds of fruit have phytochemicals, which can lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
If your senior parent has diabetes and they are trying to manage it at home senior home care can be a big help. A senior home care provider can help your mom or dad cook healthy meals with foods recommended by their doctor or nutritionist. A senior home care provider can share meals with your mom or dad so they don’t have to eat alone.


Fresh or frozen berries typically have a low impact on blood sugar. Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants and they are relatively low in sugar.
Many seniors enjoy having fresh berries as a dessert with some fresh whipped cream. Adding fresh berries to cottage cheese or Greek yogurt is a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth. And berries can also be used in healthy smoothies or protein drinks.


Apples are sweet, crunchy, delicious, and one of the best fruits for seniors to eat if they are watching their sugar. Apples have a moderate sugar content and are high in fiber, particularly when the skin is left on, which helps manage blood sugar levels.

But, in order for apples to be healthy seniors need to skip apple pies or apple donuts. Baked apples with cinnamon are a nice dessert or even a good breakfast. Apple slices with some walnuts or even some cheese are a fantastic hearty snack. Apple slices and peanut butter are also a good healthy snack.


Pears are rich in fiber and have a low to moderate sugar content, which can help regulate blood sugar. If pears aren’t in season canned pears are fine for seniors to eat as long as they are canned in water, not syrup. Pears in syrup have too much sugar.

Pears are delicious raw or sliced up and added to salads. But for a real treat ask your mom or dad’s senior home care provider to grill some pears. Grilling releases some of the natural sweetness and makes the pears soft and easy to eat.


Kiwi may seem too sweet for diabetics, but these little sweet fruits are actually very healthy.
Kiwis are low in sugar and high in vitamin C and fiber, making them a healthy choice for blood sugar management. Kiwi fruit can be enjoyed alone, or added to smoothies to add flavor and sweetness.

Citrus Fruits

Delicious oranges, tangerines, and other citrus fruits are also very healthy. They boost the immune system to help seniors stay healthy. And, citrus fruits are relatively low in sugar and high in fiber, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Senior Home Care in Edgewood, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202