24-Hour Home Care Encourages Seniors to Garden

24-Hour Home Care Encourages Seniors to Garden

 July 3, 2024

24-Hour Home Care in Greentree, PA

Your senior mom or dad may want to age in place, and for many people this is attainable. Years ago there were not many options for seniors who wanted to live their remaining years at home. But now with the help of 24-hour home care, it is more than possible to age in place. Your senior loved one will have the independence they crave with the comfort of knowing they have 24-hour home care. These professionals can help your seniors thrive and find ways to keep them healthy while encouraging habits that will improve a seniors quality of life. One of the best things your seniors can do is to start gardening this summer. There are amazing health benefits to gardening as well as several types of flowers that are perfect for beginner gardeners. Including seniors who want to watch something grow without putting in too much work.

Gardening Gets a Senior Outside

One of the main benefits of being outside is that it helps the senior connect to nature, to the planet, and to the community. This can help them feel less alone and less socially isolated. They may see their neighbors while outside, they may see beautiful bugs and birds, all of this is so good for a senior to feel and experience. Even just sitting outside once a day to watch their flowers grow can have impeccable benefits that are so underrated. If you are worried about your senior mom or dad being outside alone, ask for 24-hour home care to sit with them or encourage other family members to go and help your loved one with the garden.

It Can Help The Focus

If your senior is working on projects inside like working on a puzzle or reading a book, it is important to give their brain a break. They may not be able to focus after a long time of sitting and focusing on one thing. This is the chance to get them outside for fresh air and to walk around, their attention will shift and their brain will refocus on other things which can feel like a good break. Your senior should love to read but it is also okay to step away and get outside to feel re-energized after sitting for so long.

Being Outside Boosts a Seniors Mood

Getting in the sunshine can help produce feel-good, natural happy chemicals in a seniors body. That is one of the best reasons to try to encourage your loved one to get outside every day. Whether they are digging, pulling weeds, or planting something new, getting in the sun is the best way to get vitamins that only the outdoors can provide your body.

Flowers to Try Planting

It can be daunting to try to grow something if a senior has never done it. Luckily, there are pretty easy flowers your senior mom or dad can try and most are pretty robust and sturdy, yet absolutely beautiful when they start to bloom. Next time you’re at the store grab these seeds:

  • Sunflowers
  • Zinnias
  • Marigolds
  • Pansy
  • California Poppy
  • Aster

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring 24-Hour Home Care in Greentree, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202