24-Hour Home Care Can Help With Lung Surgery Recovery

24-Hour Home Care Can Help With Lung Surgery Recovery

 October 18, 2024

24-Hour Home Care in Shadyside, PA

Lung volume reduction surgery is a common surgery for those who suffer from severe COPD or emphysema. During the surgery, the surgeon removes parts of the diseased lung that are not being used by the body anymore. This process can help the healthy parts of the lung to work better. Having this surgery can improve your loved one’s quality of life by allowing him to breathe easier and get out and enjoy more physical activities. Being prepared beforehand will help your loved one recover as quickly as possible.

Preparing Before Your Loved One Comes Home

Your loved one will spend some initial time in the hospital recovering from his surgery. This is the time to prepare the home for his return once he is able.

First, determine where he will spend the initial part of his recovery. He will need constant care, so he will need to stay with a loved one to recover or have a loved one stay with him. If those options are possible, you might consider having 24-hour home care providers stay with him to help during the initial recovery time. 24-hour home care providers can help with mobility needs, medication management, and meals. With 24-hour home care providers, someone will always be awake in the home, ready to care for your loved one’s needs.

Next, determine where he’ll sleep. Having your loved one in an area that has easy access to things he’ll need like the bathroom and entertainment (like a TV or laptop), will protect him from possibly stumbling or falling as he tries to access these areas.

Finally, stock up on comfort and needed items. Make sure you have all of his medications and incision care products, as well as his favorite snacks, books, and puzzles. He’ll need them all.

Lung Surgery Home Recovery Tips

  • Don’t allow him to lift anything over five pounds.

This may mean your loved one will need help with taking out the trash, doing laundry, or caring for his pet. A 24-hour home care team can help with all of those responsibilities.

  • Encourage a little walking each day.

It may seem almost impossible for your loved one to imagine going for a walk after he gets home, but walking is one of the best healing activities. It gets blood flowing to all areas of the body and helps the bowels to keep functioning regularly. The walks don’t have to be long. A stroll down the front sidewalk and back may be all that he can handle at first, but plan on increasing it each day as he gets stronger.

  • Prepare foods that promote a healthy recovery.

Most foods are fine but if constipation is a problem, consider adding foods with more fiber and making sure your loved one drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep things moving in his system.

  • Limit visitors.

Remind friends and family who are ill not to visit, and if any friends or family smoke, they should be instructed not to smoke in the house when visiting.

  • Let him rest.

Avoid straining activities like mowing the lawn or raking leaves. Make sure your loved one has help in those areas so he can rest without worrying about needed chores not being completed.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring 24-Hour Home Care in Shadyside, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202