What to Do When Seniors Refuse Help

What to Do When Seniors Refuse Help

 March 14, 2019

A woman smiling at an older man.

Elizabeth’s father, Marcus, had always been a self-sufficient and independent man.
He knew how to fix nearly anything around the house, but he wasn’t so adept at doing laundry or cooking. His beloved wife Shelby had always done those things for him. When she died, Marcus did his best to carry on without her.

He had a little trouble in the first year, turning some of his whites pink and burning more food than he cared to mention.
After a while, he got better at regular household tasks, but in the past year or so, Elizabeth had noticed he was slipping again. His clothes were often stained and sometimes he wore strange combinations of clothes because that was all that was clean. He also started going out for dinner and had a freezer full of frozen dinners. Elizabeth became concerned and thought he needed some help. When she approached Marcus with the idea of hiring home care, he adamantly refused, saying he could take care of himself.


Elizabeth’s situation isn’t unusual.
Older adults often refuse offers of help fearing it makes them seem incapable. They may worry about losing their independence and taking a slow slide toward living in a long-term care facility. Some worry about having a stranger from a home care agency in their home. All these things can make it hard to convince them to accept assistance. However, if you enter the conversation with some strategies in mind, you may have an easier time.


Below are some tips to help…


Give It Some Time

Understand that you may not be able to change their minds about accepting help the first time you approach the subject. If the situation isn’t urgent, let the subject drop and come back to it at a later time. Remember that the senior is an adult and still has a right to make decisions for themselves, even if you don’t agree with them. Over time, their opinion may change.


Talk to a Friend Who Has Home Care

If you know of an older adult that your family member knows who uses home care, ask them to share their experiences. Encourage them to talk about ways they are helped and what they have liked best about having a home care provider. Hearing from someone they trust may change their mind.


Tell Them About How Home Care Can Maintain Independence

Without home care, it is possible that your aging relative will need to move in with a family member or to an assisted living facility. Talk to them about all the ways home care can allow them to stay in their home, such as having someone to help with meals, cleaning, medication reminders, transportation, and more.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care Services in South Side, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today.
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